Sawicki  Family   History

This is the family history for Stanislaw Sawicki, his wife Franciska Puriek, their siblings, and the descendants of all. For now, here are the children of Stanislaw and Franciska who went on to raise their own families.

Here's how the Sawicki family tree ties in to the Kapusta and Piorek trees:

slide show
Getting help & info

You can get help or submit information by contacting Ed via email at


Only family members can access information about living family members on this site. You'll be asked to supply a username and password when you first click on any link.

This is an independent website and not an app of Facebook/Meta or any other platform. It is also NOT based on one of the many web platforms that have vulnerabilities. It's a straightforward, static website handcrafted by someone well-versed in the Internet, Web, and computer security.

The only cookies used on this site provide useful features, like remembering what photo you saw last, and will not compromise your privacy.


The driving force behind the creation of this family history is Betty Jane “BJ” OʼLeary, granddaughter of Stanislaw and Franciska Sawicki. BJ assembled photos and other information about the family. She helped in the research, checking facts, and her good memory of family relationships.

Ed Sawicki Jr, BJ’s brother, did much of the research online and by phoning and visiting relatives. He created and maintains this website.